Upon entering the building, there is an office to your left. Adult Ed staff will be there to assist you in finding your classroom. We also have large television monitors on each floor, the first near the entry lobby elevator. These are updated weekly with building maps showing the locations of all classes. In some cases, there will also be whiteboard signs to direct you to difficult-to-find classrooms.
Call these local Hub 7 Adult Education Programs:
- Belfast Adult Education
- RSU 3 Adult Education, Thorndike
- 563-3426
- https://rsu3.maineadulted.org/
- Five Towns CSD Adult Education, Rockport/Camden
- 236-7800, option 5
- https://fivetowns.maineadulted.org
- RSU 13 Adult Education, Rockland
- 594-9764
- https://rsu13.maineadulted.org/
- MSAD 40 Adult Education, Waldoboro
- 832-5205
- https://msad40.maineadulted.org/
- RSU 12 Adult Education, Somerville
- Central Lincoln County Adult Education, Damariscotta
- 563-2811
- https://clc.maineadulted.org/
- Boothbay Regional Adult Education
- Merrymeeting Adult Education, Topsham/Bath
No, you do not need to live in this school district or even in Knox County to participate in our Adult Ed programs. In-person courses are open to anyone 18 or older who is able to commute to our school. We even offer a few courses that are strictly available online via Zoom, so you can be located anywhere for those. Everyone is welcome in our classes!
Three questions in one! When we have a snow day, you’ll see it posted online at our website. Watch for the notification at the top above the picture of our school. There are some snow days that are rough in the morning, but clear out midday. We make a point of reaching out to students in an affected class to let them know if the class will run that evening. When an evening class has to be cancelled, we add another class onto the end to make up for it.
If we have to cancel a course (under-enrolled, instructor is ill, COVID returns) we make sure to let you know. If we can postpone the course to take care of illness or COVID, we let you know about the new dates. If that doesn’t work for you, a refund is issued. If we have to cancel for under-enrollment, we let you know before the course begins and advise you on how you’ll be refunded.
MCST Adult Education offers three convenient payment methods–cash, check, or credit card.
Please note that our Refund Policy has changed:
100% of the registration fee (minus associated credit card fees if you paid by credit card) will be refunded if we cancel a course or if a student withdraws at least 15 days before the start of a course. Within 14 days, and up to 48 hours before the start of a course, a 25% processing fee will be retained by Adult Ed. No refunds are made when withdrawal results in low enrollment that would necessitate cancellation of the class, or within 48 hours of the start of a class. Material and supplies fees are not refundable.
Credit and debit card transactions include a non-refundable $1.99 processing fee per class. To avoid this, please pay by check or cash.
Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of The Director.
The Adult Ed team will reach out by email to let you know if your class is at risk of being under-enrolled. Often, enrolled students know of others who also want to take the course and that remedies the risk. If we have to cancel a course, we’ll reach out to you by email and phone to assure you’re aware of the situation and to explain the refund process. We generally send students a reminder email a couple of days before a course begins, informing them of any supplies needed and other important information.
As the start date for the course draws near, we reach out to those enrolled to confirm all are planning to attend. On occasion, someone reveals that they have a scheduling conflict and must pull out. Sometimes the instructor will agree that one more student can be accommodated. Our aim is to let you know where you stand with the course at least 2 business days before the course begins.
Waitlisted students my also wish to contact us regarding transferring to other classes that may also meet their needs.
That information, including course descriptions, is available in the catalog, AND on our website. Click on any course, or enter your chosen topic in the search section, and details about the course and the fees will come right up. You can also browse a pdf version of our full course catalog by clicking on its image at our website. If you have further questions about any of our courses, give the Adult Ed office a call at 207-596-7752 ext. 3.
Yes, whenever we’re in the current calendar of classes, a printed catalog is available. Come by to pick one up; they’re right on the front counter in the main office. If an online version of the catalog works for you, you’ll see the catalog PDF can be viewed right from our opening ‘Welcome’ page on this site. Click on the image of the catalog cover and browse our full program selection.
There are three ways to register for a class: 1) enroll online by finding the course(s) of interest and clicking on the REGISTER button to complete your contact and payment information; 2) call 596-7752 ext. 3 during office hours – M-Th, 9:15am-4:15pm – and speak to Heidi or Lee; or 3) come by in person during those same office hours.
There are a few ways to pay for a class. Our website will safely take your charge card (with an added $1.99 processing fee), or you can choose to mail a check as you complete your online registration. We can take a charge card in person or over the phone when completing your registration, but the same $1.99 processing fee applies (Credit or debit cards can only be used during the initial registration process). You can also mail a check, made out to MCST Adult Education (MCST, 1 Main Street, Rockland 04841), but be sure to call our office to assure there’s still room in your chosen course(s). There is no extra processing fee for courses paid by check or cash and these payments must be made AT LEAST 1 WEEK PRIOR TO THE START OF THE FIRST CLASS.
To discuss free Adult Ed services, call the office at 596-7752 ext. 3 during the hours noted above.
A Google map on our “About” tab illustrates the neighborhood. Our new building is located on Route 73, heading out of Rockland toward Owls Head. Turn right at the major intersection/light in Rockland where Route 1 is surrounded by Camden National Bank, Maine Sport, and Rite Aid. Bear right at the fork and go 3/4 mile; you’ll cross railroad tracks and see caution signs for School Ahead. Turn left into the MCST parking lot. The entrance of the building is marked by the vertical shaft of orange. During the day, you may need to press the button on the metal “butler” just before the door. You’ll hear a greeting and you should state why you wish to enter the school. Once the door lock clicks, come in and enter the Main Office, directly to your left. That office accommodates the high school and Adult Ed support staff.
Many students have found entering our mailing address in their GPS takes them to the other end of Rockland. To avoid this frustration, we suggest you enter Primo Restaurant at 2 Main Street, Rockland. They are directly across the street from us and GPS systems always guide people correctly to that address.
MCST Adult Ed does not currently offer CDL courses, but we hope to collaborate with several other area programs to offer it in the future.
In the meantime, the Maine Motor Transport Association (mmta.com) lists the following programs that offer CDL training:
Kennebec Maranacook Adult Education
75 North Rd, Readfield
207‐685‐4923 ext. 1009
Keep Right Commercial Driving School
93 Unity Road, Albion
Eastern Maine Community College
354 Hogan Rd., Bangor
Northeast Technical Institute, Inc.
1010 Stillwater Avenue, Old Town
Region 9 Truck Driver Training
377 River Road, Mexico
Oxford Hills/Nezinscot Adult Education
256 Main Street, South Paris
Northeast Technical Institute, Inc.
51 Us Rt 1 Suite K, Scarborough
Northern Maine Community College
33 Edgemont Drive, Presque Isle